Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal

     I love eating oatmeal for breakfast, especially with a banana. I discovered this recipe over the weekend, and I think I will be eating this for breakfast for a while.

  • 3/4 cup water
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 cup raisins
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
     Begin by bringing the water and milk to a boil. Add the oatmeal, reduce the heat to medium, and stir often until the oatmeal begins to thicken (~5-7 min). 

     Take the banana and break into pieces and add to the oatmeal. Mix this together along with the raisins. By now the oatmeal should be ready to remove from the heat and plate.

     Add the brown sugar, cinnamon, and top with some more raisins, and you're ready to enjoy!

Recipe from popsugargirlsguide

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